Happy New Year!

Like most of you, I had BIG plans for the New Year:

  • Start getting back in shape
  • Make some ME time
  • Kick off Autism Awareness planning
  • Get ahead on a project at work
  • Be more patient with Teo

Not bad, right??? Well, THAT lasted all of THREE days. Yup! I got home from work on Monday, January 3rd, to find Jen, Teo’s parapro, curled up with a blanket. She didn’t feel well. She swore it was nothing but that she went to the river the day before and came home wet. “It’s only a chill,” she swore. HA! She’s been with us over two years now and has never taken a sick day. I knew Covid had finally made its way to our home.


Sure enough, she tested positive the next day. Now, while I tested negative and was told to quarantine for 3 days. I just KNEW we’d all get our turn. There’s a reason we call Jen, Teo’s Shadow. They are practically attached. And Mateo does NOT respect personal space. He steals cups to drink from. He’s a cuddler. And he’s more of a 6 inches apart with us kinda fella – not 6 feet.

Jen isolated herself immediately and I sanitized my home. But by Wednesday things got crazy. Mateo started sneezing. He didn’t appear to be sick though. On the contrary, he was super hyper. He seemed high as a kite. Giggling like someone snuck him weed brownies or something. Honestly. He rarely sat down.

29 MILLION hours

Even after trying melatonin and his regular meds, he kept going. And going. And going. He was up, UP, straight for 29 hours before he finally caved and fell asleep (for only 5 hours!) He didn’t have a fever. He didn’t even have much of a cough. He didn’t appear congested – except for the occasional sneeze. But let’s face it, Mateo ALWAYS reacts differently than expected. 

So yes, I honestly believe this was Teo with Covid. He did lose his appetite. We went days where he didn’t ask for candy or oreos (some of his favorite treats). It was a battle to get him to eat anything at all. He vacillated between super hyper and a few times super cranky. But that was it, thank goodness. At least that’s all I could see, since he really can’t tell me if something is hurting him or not.

Thank Goodness for the Vaccine

As for me? Well, I resisted till about Thursday before I started feeling bad. Sore throat, congested, exhausted (but that could have been because of the lack of sleep with Teo). Honestly, it was like having a bad cold. So yes, I am so grateful that I was fully vaccinated and had my booster shot.

His Sensitive Side

I do have to say one thing, though. My boy stepped up. One night, I was in the bathroom when I had a huge coughing fit. I think I scared Teo.  He came to check on me with a frightened look on his face. I had to reassure him that I was okay and that night, up until almost midnight, he kept coming into my room. I finally got him to sleep and I crashed. Around 2am, he sneaked into my bed and cuddled up next to me.

Normally, he would start giggling and pinching me. Or he would roll around and try to steal the sheets. This time he cuddled up and sort of petted me till we fell asleep.  I woke that morning to the same thing. He was just lying there rubbing my arm gently. He knew I wasn’t feeling well and I guess this was his way to show he cared. He actually let me sleep in – until almost 7am! 


There were a few rough days all around. Being trapped together when we don’t feel well and Teo refuses to sleep does NOT make for easy living. But all in all, I’m happy to report that none of us committed murder and we’re all negative now. Finally, we’re ready for that Happy New Year everyone was screaming about not too long ago….if only I can climb the stairs without feeling too out of breath…