“May truth, peace, and kindness be yours to share with others, to uplift and to quicken our Belizean values and to flourish and enhance our Central American land, the new Belize by the Caribe Sea”

~George Price, 1965

Today, on the ninth anniversary of the Father of Our Nation, George Price’s death, we celebrate the National Day of Service in his honor. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, planning service activities has been challenging. I was so excited, however, when I saw my son’s school, Horizon Academy, step up to the plate.

Virtual Service Challenge

They organized a #VirtualServiceChallege encouraging students and parents alike to try to do something simple. For the kids, it could be something as simple as doing chores willingly and without complaint. For us parents, it was to try to do something, however small, to make someone’s life easier.

Service Begins At Home

Accepting the challenge, I made brownies and Mateo went out to our neighbors to give them out. You see, as I had mentioned in a previous blog titled Escape Artist, Mateo has a tendency to wander. He’s a climber. He’s quick. He’s sneaky. He finds ways to escape. Thank goodness, our neighbors, including the construction workers, have all realized that Mateo is special and they all keep an eye on him. So giving out some brownies was the very least we could do to thank them for helping out and being accepting of Teo’s differences.

Service in Action

With all the negative in the world right now: COVID-19, the death of the notorious RBG, forest fires, hurricanes, sadly I can go on and on, let’s take today and try to do just one small thing to help make someone else’s life easier – or just make someone smile. Today, on The National Day of Service, “may truth, peace, and kindness be your to share with others”.