In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Mateo attended a wonderful little school, St. Mary’s School. St. Mary’s is a Leader in Me School. A Leader in Me School is a whole school transformation model that believes every child possesses the strengths and abilities to become a leader.  One of the activities that is a part of this model is the SpotLight Presentation. Every student presents his or her talents and interests to teachers, staff and students.

I made this presentation a couple years ago for Mateo’s presentation. Since Teo is non-verbal, we got creative. Anyways, in the spirit of Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month and since I’ve started blogging about Mateo, I thought this was a great time to highlight this video again. It is a quick showcase of our quest to discover all of Mateo’s ‘bells and whistles”.

Thank You William Neal for reading You Are All Kinds Of Wonderful