I know we don’t have any guest speakers scheduled for this week, but don’t worry, we have more coming in May.

In the meantime, I’ve been working on converting the blog to a website and on putting together the list of resources available in Belize: from schools to doctors to therapists.

Once such resource is St. Peter’s Anglican School in Orange Walk. When I first heard about this school, I called to speak to the Principal, Rosanna Briceño. Right away, she invited me up for a meeting and a tour. I am so happy that I went. I was completely impressed with how they have truly embraced inclusivity- not just a welcoming attitude, but also, continuous teacher training, proper visual schedules in ALL classrooms, IEPs, Support Teachers, and a center I would love to have Mateo attend.

Mrs. Briceño blew me away too. She started out working at Stella Maris 33 years ago and her entire career has been working in Special Education! She holds a Masters in Educational Leadership AND in Diagnostic Curriculum for Special Ed.

Since St. Peter’s Anglican is one of our leading, truly inclusive schools in Belize that also runs one of our only special education centers, I’ve asked her to share their experiences on Making Inclusion Happen.

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